In total, this amounts to SEK 577,334 which the male manager will pay to the Kalmar Region. The man will also pay court costs of SEK 81,800.

The man who was the manager of a business in the Kalmar Region has used the service card without reporting to the region what the money went to. The region has been billed for all the card transactions completed.

The boss obliged to pay

The region has compiled card transactions during the period November 2012 to December 2016. From these it appears that the manager used two of the region's debit cards on 508 occasions that have not been reported. 37 of them are cash withdrawals totaling SEK 104,000.

The manager has used payment cards for payment for services and goods and for cash withdrawals.

The region has on several occasions asked for the manager to report on what the money went to. Some of the transactions were then reported. Initially, the region wanted accounting for a total of SEK 768,000.

But for a total of SEK 577,334, the manager has thus not submitted anything that can show what the money went to.

After the manager was suspected of the crime, Region Kalmar County gave the man the opportunity to submit supporting documents or accounts, but as no such response was received, Region Kalmar requested that so-called trespass notice be given. Which now means that the manager loses the target and is obliged to pay over half a million SEK to the region.