
Reporters from Wall Street Journal, who wrote critical columns in China about the Corona 19 incident, were deported by Chinese authorities. The US regulatory move to China's state-run media appears to have dated, and US Secretary of State Pompey says he condemns China's actions.

This is reporter Park Won-kyung.


China's Foreign Ministry says it will recover three foreign press cards from Wall Street Journalists in Beijing. De facto deportation action.

Chinese authorities questioned the column last three days.

Criticizing China's response to Corona 19 and describing China as an Asian sick.

A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry said the column caused the wrath of the Chinese people and demanded a public apology and punishment in the Wall Street Journal.

On the surface, the column is a problem, but it is interpreted as a response to the regulation of the state media in China.

Earlier, the US Department of State appointed five Chinese state-run media including Xinhua News Agency as a foreign mission to obtain the same restrictions as the US Embassy in the United States, with prior approval when acquiring new assets in the United States.

The Chinese government has tightened its control over the media to expand its influence abroad, deciding that the media is a government agency.

Secretary of State Pompeii made a statement condemning China's actions.

Pompeio says the correct response to the media's report suggests the opposite, and he hopes the Chinese can enjoy the freedom of the press.

China's banishment of the US press regulations on state media is an extension of US-China conflict.