To verify based on criticism of cruise ship response Government 20:31 on February 20

Tour of the new coronavirus cruise ship outbreak has been confirmed, the government is also based on that criticism to a series of correspondence has come out, we decided to verify the correspondence at the stage where with a certain prospect.

On a cruise ship with confirmed outbreaks of the new coronavirus, out of approximately 3,700 crew and passengers, a virus test was confirmed negative on the 19th and no symptoms were observed within the 14-day health observation period 443 people have left the ship and are expected to finish all of them on the 21st.

However, as of the 19th, more than 10% of 621 passengers and passengers were infected, and the US Center for Disease Control and Control (CDC) pointed out that "passengers were at high risk of transmission". Opposition parties have also criticized the response.

In response, Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Kato explained that he has taken thorough actions to prevent infection of passengers and passengers, conducted inspections as much as possible, and responded with maximum consideration to ensuring health. The agency official said, "The Japanese authorities are taking the necessary steps in response to the situation."

The government continued, along with the listed our best to prevent spread of infection, validate and support of on board at the stage where with a certain prospect, also has to consider the construction of international cooperation against such a situation.