There are differences between migraine (migraine) and occasional headache, so what are they?

Initially, migraines can last up to 72 hours and cause pain and nausea, as well as sensitivity to light and noise. Migraines can also transform simple physical activities such as climbing stairs to torment, according to the German specialist website "Net Doctor".

Migraines may usually involve pain on one side of your head, but they are often on both sides and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

The reason for the migraine is still unknown to doctors, but there are some factors that increase the risk of infection, including genetic factors, sleep disorders, excessive consumption of stimulating drinks or even work stress, and smoking and wine can raise the risk of infection or increase Its intensity.

Doctors warn against taking headaches seriously because it can severely limit patient activities, as it plays an important role in its daily program and in its relationships with others.

Do migraines affect women more than men?
It seems that the statement that women suffer from migraines (migraine) more than men is completely correct. According to the World Health Organization, women are particularly affected by it, as studies have confirmed that women suffer from migraines three times more than men.

According to experts, hormones may be the main cause of migraines. Although genetics and lifestyle play a role, the poor structure of women and changing hormones, especially at times of menstruation, are additional factors for injury.

Is migraines treatable?
Migraines cannot be completely cured, but many treatments are available to reduce this headache, such as using some anti-inflammatory drugs and a certain lifestyle, along with taking certain medications, such as improving sleep quality.

Also, some changes can help the sufferers to cope with the disease, as neurologists recommend documenting the days when the patient is infected to confirm what is circulating food, or habits that may affect the disease. Doctors also advise those suffering from this disease to adhere to the daily routine in his life such as following regular exercises and adherence to fixed food appointments.

Sometimes migraines are a way for your body to indicate that you should spend time on vacation. So listening to the body at times and following a balanced lifestyle is an important part of treatment.