
President Moon Jae-in has defined the country as an emergency economic city and has instructed the State Council members to come up with special measures. He mobilized every possible means and even suggested some countermeasures.

Reporter Kim Jung-yoon reports.


President Moon Jae-in, who started the State Council with the phrase, “Emergency requires extraordinary prescriptions,” has now defined him as an “emergency economy.”

[President Moon Jae-in: We must deal with the economic blow that Corona 19 is giving, with the awareness that it is an 'emergency economic city'.

In addressing the economic shock from China, he stressed that it was a time of great need for special measures that mobilized all the means of the government, as much as it could be much bigger and longer than the SARS and MERS.

[President Moon Jae-in: Please do not put any restrictions and use your 'imaginative imagination' that exceeds your expectations. The situation is much worse than I expected.]

"The policy is timing is life", "do not practice, urgently prescribe", "do not take precedent", said the ministers to mining.

We even suggested specific policies.

He urged them to consider special financial support for small and medium-sized businesses and small business owners, tax reductions, rent incentives for landlords who lower rents, consumption promotions such as consumption coupons, reimbursement of purchases, and vitalizing alleys. .

The president emphasized the 'excessive preemptive response' in the economy, as well as in defense, in order to prevent economic achievements and national elections.