
February 17, 2020 "Operation Greenrights" against oil extraction in Basilicata: it is the name used by Anonymous Italy to claim the attack on the Region's website on February 14. The attack - of which the La Repubblica website spoke yesterday - was confirmed by the Basilicata Region, which, in a press release issued by the press office, announced that "as usual, it is taking steps to forward the report to the competent bodies pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation ".

Anonymous hackers have reported that they have entered the IT systems of the Executive and the Regional Council, the Apt (the territorial promotion agency) and some Municipalities of the Val d'Agri (where there is the Eni Oil Center), managing to "steal" numerous data and passwords.

The Region press release also highlights that "Anonymous's cyberattack on the Basilicata Region's web platforms resulted in unauthorized access to applications that had already been abandoned and partly being dismissed and replaced as part of a plan. to verify the integrity and security of the applications that the Region itself is carrying out ".