Nine patients with new type pneumonia give birth “Infection to babies not confirmed” February 13 at 18:26

Nine pregnant women with pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus in late pregnancy gave birth to a healthy baby, and no evidence of transmission to the baby was confirmed, a research group such as a university hospital in Wuhan, China, announced .

A research group at a university hospital in Wuhan, etc., where the spread of the new coronavirus continues, reported a paper summarizing the course of nine pregnant women aged 26 to 40 who developed pneumonia due to virus infection in the third trimester. , Published in the medical magazine "Lancet".

According to the report, nine of them gave birth at cesarean section between 36 and 39 weeks of gestation since last month, and no babies needed special treatment.

Nine patients had relatively mild symptoms of pneumonia, seven had fever, and four had coughs. Among the six parents who were able to be tested after giving birth, the amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, and baby The virus was not detected in any mucous membranes, and there was no evidence that the mother transmitted the baby.

However, the study group said in a limited study this time, the effects on babies of infection during the first and second trimesters are still unknown.

"While not transmitting a fetus is reassuring, there are facts that pregnant women have developed pneumonia. There is no need to be overly anxious," said Hideto Yamada, a professor at Kobe University who is familiar with infectious diseases in pregnant women. However, pregnant women tend to be more sick with influenza and other diseases, so I would like you to try to prevent general infections. "