Coronavirus: an app to find out if you have been in contact with sick people - Geeko

The coronavirus definitely inspires many little jokers. A man was recently arrested in Moscow (Russia) for pretending he had the coronavirus in the middle of a subway train, causing panic among passengers, reports the BBC .

On a video, published on a hoax website on February 2, we see several people trying to help a probably sick man who staggers and falls to the ground. The passengers fled when the "victim", who wears a medical mask, begins to convulse on the subway floor. The video has since been removed from the site.

Когда пранк вышел из-под контроля!

В Москве задержали шутника, разыгравшего в метро приступ коронавируса. Полиция попросила Черемушкинский суд столицы арестовать молодого человека.

- ВЕСТИ (@vesti_news) February 10, 2020

Two wanted accomplices

The man has since been arrested by police and detained for "criminal hooliganism," the interior ministry confirmed on Monday. He faces up to five years in prison. The authorities are looking for two people who can be heard shouting in the video extract. "The accomplices shouted sentences, mentioning a dangerous viral infection and causing panic among the passengers," said a spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry.

The suspect “is in shock. He surrendered on his own, did not hide, ”said his lawyer. "He did not expect all this. The investigator himself said that the case was likely to be closed. Two cases of coronavirus have been identified in Russia since the start of the epidemic. The government has already placed 144 people in quarantine.

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  • Did you see ?
  • Jail
  • Subway
  • World
  • Joke
  • coronavirus
  • Russia