Police bikers (illustration). - Thibaut Chevillard

The police of the Strasbourg motorcycle training group had a funny surprise this Thursday morning. It all started when, posted at an intersection on avenue du Neuhof, they saw a car passing at a red light at high speed.

The bikers then chased him and the big displacement… again burned a red light before finally getting on their side. The story could have ended there except that after control, it was a young boy of 12 who was driving! He borrowed his father's vehicle and took a friend, 14 years old. The duo had also just caused an accident and had not already stopped near the victim. The latter also pursued them, behind the police.

Positioned at an intersection, the bikers of the #Strasbourg Motorcycling Formation were surprised to see a car launched at high speed passing before their eyes and crossing the red lights. Quickly taken care of, the đźš— crosses a second red light ... pic.twitter.com/7zB7GclP4n

- Police Nationale 67 (@ PoliceNat67) February 13, 2020

The two teenagers were taken into police custody for hit and run and refusal to comply with orders from the police. The pilot's father was informed of the incident and said he was "dismayed".


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