Pope refused married priest, February 13, 4:42

Pope Franciscan of the Roman Catholic Church changes nearly 900 years of rule that only single men can be priests, allowing married men to be priests only in the Amazon region of South America, where priests are severely lacking Although it has been noted, Pope Francisco has decided not to review it on the 12th.

The Roman Catholic Church held a meeting of bishops from different countries last October, and only in the Amazon region such as Brazil and Peru in South America where the shortage of priests is severe, even married men can assist priests if they are `` departures ''. It was suggested that we review our rules so that we could become priests.

The Pope held a press conference in the Vatican on the 12th, and in response to the meeting, published a document compiled by Pope Francisco.

In this, Pope Francisco did not mention the proposal and forego changing the rule that only single men can be priests.

There was strong opposition within the church, including last month's unusual statement that the former Pope said that Benedict XVI, who retired in 2013, criticized the former Pope, and there was strong opposition in the Church. Seems to be considered.