German ruling party leader resigns.

The election of the ruling leader, who has been considered the dominant candidate for Germany's next prime minister, has indicated his intention to resign, and in effect the election of Merkel's successor, who will end his term next year, has effectively returned to the start.

Mr. Merkel belongs to the ruling party "Christian Democracy", and has been considered the prime candidate for the next prime minister, with Mr. Kuramp Karenbauer serving as the leader of Merkel since 2018.

However, in addition to a series of defeats in the local election that led to the leadership, the members of the Christian Democratic League have accepted refugees against the intention of the party headquarters in a vote to decide the prime minister of Thuringia on May 5. It was pointed out that leadership as a leader was questioned because of the pointed out that he might have cooperated with a right-wing party opposing to.

And on Wednesday, Mr. Kuramp Karenbauer announced his intention to step down at the appropriate time and announced that he would not be the next prime minister candidate.

In Germany, a parliamentary election is scheduled for next year, but the election of the successor to Merkel who does not run for this election and retires politics is virtually uncertain about the political outlook in the form of returning to the start Is.