
The ex-husband of Belén Esteban Fran Álvarez. EM

Fran Álvarez, ex-husband of Belén Esteban, has passed away this Sunday at the age of 43. His lifeless body has been found at home, as explained by his friend Aurelio Manzano in a telephone connection with the program 'Viva la vida' of Telecinco.

"A few hours ago they found him lifeless at home. He had to go to work today and he did not go and sent some employees of the bar and when they opened the door they found him lifeless on the bed. I have been with his father, with Amaro ... You can imagine that he was absolutely shattered and I suppose that in the next few hours the body will be taken to the anatomical to do all the exams and tests to find out the causes of death. detoxification process. A few days ago, last Wednesday, I was going to Burgos to get back in, "explained Manzano.

The first husband of Belén Esteban was immersed in a detoxification project in Proyecto Hombre. "I was always there with him, even after they separated, the years went by and I continued to be his friend. Besides journalists we are people. A week ago we had spoken. I noticed him softly, but I did not notice that he was so bad ... ", the journalist added.

Belén Esteban, along with Fran Álvarez. GRES

Fran Álvarez and Belén Esteban maintained a relationship for 10 years (five as married), not without ups and downs. They married in 2008 and did not separate until 2013. Apart from infidelities on the part of the waiter, both confessed addiction problems.

In recent times, Álvarez and Esteban's relationship was not exactly good. The Telecinco collaborator claimed the marriage annulment to be able to go through the altar with her current husband, Miguel Marcos; but the waiter did not seem willing to grant it.

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