Academic qualifications are not always the best indicator of a successful career, or a cause for happiness in the future. On many occasions, less fortunate people in school found jobs with low salaries, or at one point were forced to be unemployed.

However, what happens to those who pass the exams with a score of 5 to 6.5?

Journalist John Halltewanger explains in his article, "Why are school failures the most successful person in the future?"

Consequently, it appears that success is not only achieved through academic excellence. On the contrary, middle-school students can possess a very useful series of skills and abilities, and they may be more creative and innovative.

High scores guarantee you nothing
In a report published in the Spanish magazine "Psychologia y Minti", the writer Bertrand Rigadir said that Haltiwanger's article sparked controversy because it showed that "students with high academic qualifications are not necessarily the most intelligent."

According to Regadir, "students with intermediate grades, and those with generally acceptable grades, or somewhat low grades, tend to be more successful in their professional and personal lives compared to high-achieving students."

However, does this mean that students who do not have high marks will be owners of companies in the future?

The author explains that this topic has long been the subject of controversy, not only because John Haltewanger is assured of what he says, but because this theory is not available on scientific evidence. However, it may be useful to know his thoughts and observations so that we can - at least in philosophical terms - review some important aspects of education in general and the school system in particular.

Apple's creator, Steve Jobs, is a perfect example of a classical Mediterranean student who has achieved great success (European)

5 students have achieved great success
The creator of the brand "Apple" Steve Jobs is a perfect example of the classic student who achieved great success. Likewise, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft designer Bill Gates, understood the trinity of technology innovation, and, strangely enough, they were not previously superior students.

The writer added that the Soviet astrophysicist and engineer Sergey Korolev was never a glorious student, yet he was responsible for launching a "Sputnik" missile into space. The famous Russian writer and poet Vladimir Mayakovsky also suffered from the problem of dyslexia, and Joseph Brodsky, who was previously considered a "terrible" student, received the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Historically, intelligence has been a controversial topic among psychologists. And trying to link parallels between academic performance and intelligence is not a good idea, because the relationship is not so close. Success can be defined in different ways. Each person has his or her own vision and priorities.

It is useful to talk about success at the professional level, which does not require excellent degrees in the past. Also, a person does not need to be smart to find a clever idea and to aspire to a successful career.

The keys to success are available to everyone
Success exceeds the plans imposed by the educational model for each country, and we may overestimate the impact of academic results, as success requires persistence, perseverance and creativity. In order to achieve high goals in our lives, we must pass failed experiences that help us learn and progress.

Passing failed experiences that help us learn and progress (Getty Images)

Failure is the path to success
Failure contributes to future success. The most experienced people who have suffered to pass educational courses, they did not get praise and rewards, so they realize the value of daily effort.

Students with intermediate results learned to manage their failures, something the high achievers could not do because of their high scores. And businessmen who have developed good products or services have creative ways to achieve their success. They are also searching for the meaning of innovation, and they are seeking to make completely new and high-quality products that revolutionize their sector, like Jobs who developed the technical tools that are famous in the global market.

Creativity is a skill that does not develop in school
According to the observations of English journalist Haltiwanger, it seems that students who do not enjoy high marks are leaders in their friendship circles, and this enables them to guide other pupils to understand beyond the rules and educational context. They have the greatest creative thinking, and neither care about masters nor regular university degrees. These people are more creative because they do not depend on their thinking on school logic, but on their own experiences.

This point has sparked the debate, as some formal education methods undermine students ’ability to develop critical thinking and creativity, and the possibility of experiencing certain experiences. Instead, it focuses on learning and does not give students an opportunity to ask questions and develop methods to solve problems in innovative ways.

People who managed to manage technology companies thought outside the box and were able to launch projects that are not subject to current standards .. They learn quickly, and act in their own way, not as others demand.

Academic success or failure is very relative. The real experience we get when leaving the class (Getty Images)

be cerfull
Although Haltewanger builds his discourse on Jobs and Zuckerberg, obtaining bad or medium grades is not a guarantee of personal or professional success, and brilliant school results are not the key to a prosperous future, as success is characterized by many variables including personality traits, perseverance, experience and relationships. Therefore, these observations are somewhat secondary.

John Halltewanger's article may be a catalyst for those who have failed in school or university excellence, but life gives you opportunities and moments that you can benefit from ... Success or scholastic failure is very relative, so the real experience we get upon leaving the class.