The Times reported five days in Britain today that criticism of China's initial response has been filed inside the World Health Organization (WHO) as the new coronavirus infection continues to spread in China.

"I think China tried to be silent about the number of patients because of a major meeting in Wuhan," said Honorary Professor John McKenzie of Australia's Curtain University, a member of the WHO Advisory Council's Emergency Committee. I think there was a very short time. "

Emeritus Professor Mackenzie, an infectious tropical disease expert, has criticized China as "degrading" for not promptly reporting an infection.

The Times says Mackenzie's remarks are very different from the official WHO's stance of positive response to China's response, proclaiming an international public health emergency at the end of last month.

The Times reported that the official case of infection remained unchanged for a few days in the middle of last month, when Wubei, the province of Wuhan, held a local conference.

The Chinese Communist Party has been criticized for concealing the scale of actual cases of infection at that time.

The serious health crisis prevented the local community from covering up.

The Associated Press also reported that Professor Mackenzie Honored that China's initial response was deserving and that infections were not reported quickly, and that if China concealed it, there would be more cases of infection.

WHO Secretary-General Tewardros Adhanom Gerberus said in a media briefing that he said "it's not going to help now," he pointed out that the Chinese authorities were at fault in the initial response.

He dismissed Mackenzie's point of view, saying, "Let's do what we can today to prevent it from spreading around the world."

On Monday, he spoke at the WHO Executive Council in Geneva, Switzerland, calling for China's actions, claiming that it has prevented the new corona from spreading abroad seriously.

However, criticism has already been raised in China for the fact that the new corona occurred in December last year and early January this year, and the scale was not acknowledged by the authorities.

Communist Propaganda this week has deployed 300 journalists from state-run media to areas with high levels of infection.

The Times explained that reports that were critical of the authorities were removed from the Internet at the request of Chinese President Xi Jinping that public opinion should be positive.

A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Public Security said, "We must strictly crack down on any disturbances by hostile forces at home and abroad," he said.

The China National Hygiene and Health Committee announced that 28,800 new coronas were confirmed in 31 provinces and 563 were killed in 31 provinces.