It was Tuesday that staff at the zoo discovered that the wolverine had taken out of its fence. It was the local newspaper first to tell. It is still being searched during Thursday and according to the zoo's CEO, Håkan Carlström, it has been located.

- It is still out but we know what area it is in. We are out with scooters when we have over a meter of snow and we have two options: either we can shoot stunning or kill it, he says.

County Administrative Board: "Must review its routines"

That the wolverine managed to escape from the zoo will now be a matter for the county administrative board.

- Now they have to report how this has happened. You absolutely have to review your routines and if you can strengthen the fences so that this does not happen again, says Joel Selberg, administrator at the County Administrative Board in Västerbotten.

According to Håkan Carlström, they will also review their fences and hedges.

- Yes of course, we have fences for all animals where we do a check four times a year and this was done as late as last week and then it was totally okay. We have fixed it but must make it stronger so that it does not happen again, he says.