The Left Party's climate policy spokesman and chairman of the traffic committee Jens Holm announced on Wednesday that he will not be running for the party's chair. Nor does Ulla Andersson, the party's economic-political spokesperson and formerly the big favorite for the post as new party leader after Sjöstedt.

Is the field completely open to Nooshi Dadgostar now?

Nooshi Dadgostar is definitely the favorite to become a party leader, as Ulla Andersson does not run for office, she has the strongest support.

Jens Holm would have been relevant if the Left Party had chosen to have a shared leadership. There has been talk about it before in the party but right now there is no widespread support for it. In addition, there is a large support in the Left Party that the next party leader should be a woman.

What other candidates remain?

There is talk of Tamara Spiric, who was previously a municipal council in Umeå. She has been highlighted by, among others, Rossana Dinamarca. But I believe that she does not have very strong support in the party and one disadvantage for her is that she is not sitting in parliament.

Parliament member Linda Snecker also mentioned it, but we do not yet know if she will stand as a candidate. If she faces Nooshi Dadgostar, Nooshi Dadgostar will win.

It would be surprising if someone with a greater chance than Nooshi Dadgostar would show up. But at the same time you want more names. That would be positive for the party.

If it becomes Nooshi Dadgostar, will the party continue on the same line or change V direction?

Nooshi Dadgostar belongs to the party leadership and she will continue on the line that Jonas Sjöstedt has pointed out. Thus, there would not be a major change in the direction of the party, neither in politics nor in parliamentary strategy. It is a strength for her and she stands for the direction chosen.

But she is at the same time another person with different experiences. She is a woman and has an immigrant background, for example, and that can be important.

In addition, things are going very well for the Left Party right now and it is a strong support for the strategy to be tougher in opposition to the January parties. Nooshi Dadgostar has been a driving force in this particular strategy.