
In China, there are now nearly 500 deaths and 25,000 confirmed patients. Some cities have banned going out of their homes and even mahjong and cigarettes, but there are still many patients who do not listen.

Reporter Kim Hye-young reports.


As the spread of the new coronavirus has not slowed down, many local governments in China have been forced to quarantine themselves for one to two weeks.

Increasingly, cities block off apartment complexes and have proclaimed restrictions on going out of their homes.

Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, even announced that more than two people are not allowed to talk, smoke or mahjong.

Public security authorities are also cracking down on outsiders after a new corona check has been confirmed, but those still avoiding the crackdown network remain.

In southern Fujian province, a man who had been confirmed in Wuhan attended several banquets, and some 4,000 were quarantined.

To date, the number of new coronavirus deaths has reached 491 in mainland China and 492 in Hong Kong.

The number of confirmed patients is close to 25,000, and 30,000 people are expected to be broken by tomorrow (6th).

Tsinghua University's AI team predicts that the number of new corona patients in China will reach 60,000 by the end of this month, and will spread after peaking on the 16th.