
The results of yesterday (4th) were not announced yesterday because of an error in the counting of collusion in the Democratic primary elections, which will lead the presidential election in November. I'll connect you to Washington to find out more.

Correspondent Kim Soo-hyun, why did this happen yesterday in the Democratic Iowa Caucus and the primary?


Yes, the Democratic Party developed a smartphone app in Iowa Caucus to deliver voting results from the primary constituency, and this has been a pitfall in all corners of the country, resulting in an unprecedented count of counting errors.

The tired candidates went to the podium without knowing the results, and some declared victory with unknown results.

[Elizabeth Warren / US Democratic Candidate: The election results are so close that it's hard to tell if the outcome is too good, but let me tell you what I know. (You win.)]

[Berry Sanders / Democratic candidate: I have a very strong feeling. One day we will be able to announce the results.]

The Democratic Party decided to announce the results about an hour later, and even this is likely to be a partial vote, and confusion seems inevitable for the time being.


On the other hand, when President Trump won the Republican primary election, he had the highest approval rating?


Yes, it is.

President Trump, I feel very good.

Republican candidates were the same as Trump, but the Iowa Republican Caucus won a 97.1% vote.

On Twitter, the Democratic Caucus was a complete disaster, pinning that nothing worked as Democrats took power.

The US Gallup poll also showed encouraging results, with 49 percent of the country's approval ratings, the highest since inauguration.

The impeachment tribunal in connection with the Ukrainian scandal is sure to be indulged in the US Senate tomorrow. Five hours later, in a state speech scheduled by the US Congress, President Trump is expected to show off his mark like a triumphal general.