According to the region, positive stock market development, increased government grants and well-managed funds are the three major reasons why the financial result for 2019 landed at SEK 37 million.

- This is largely due to the budget that we have set and we have a strong foundation and stand on, says Monica Johansson.

But even though there were activities that went plus, there were several items that were drawn with large deficits. The cost of hiring staff within healthcare fell by SEK 43 million last year, but remains a major problem.

Purchased business expensive

The surgical and medical division had a deficit of more than SEK 150 million. The main reasons for this are costs for purchased operations and personnel.

- There are challenges, but we have reduced the cost of hiring staff, which is very positive. It means a lot to our patients when we use the same staff, says Monica Johansson.

"Staff stays longer"

But what do you say to staff who are thinking of leaving Region Sörmland?

- We have seen that our staff stays longer and we have also seen in employee surveys that our staff are happy with us. We continue to work actively to ensure that we become more, ”says Monica Johansson (S).

Foreign values ​​rose sharply in 2019 and cost SEK 838 million.

- These are incredibly expensive cases, but that's not so much we can do. This is a cost that must be taken into account because we do not have to provide highly specialized care, she says.