Return flight 4 from Hubei Province Adjusted by early dispatch after tomorrow Foreign Minister Mogi February 4, 19:25

At a press conference, Foreign Minister Mogi said on a fourth charter flight to return applicants from Hubei Province, China, "I will dispatch as soon as possible after the middle of this week and adjust so that as many Japanese as possible can return. Yes, "he said, and said he would like to dispatch the 4th flight as early as 5 days later.

He added, "Even if there are Japanese people who remain in the area after that, I would like to pursue all means and make adjustments so that anyone who wants to return can return to Japan."

On the other hand, regarding spouses with Chinese citizens who are Japanese families staying in the country, Minister Mogi stated that "we are working diligently and coordinating with the Chinese side to have humanity permit boarding." .

He added that in China, movement restrictions could extend to areas other than Wuhan, "it is important to make appropriate decisions, including considering returning home temporarily."