Everyone knows that losing fat requires consuming fewer calories, but some feel frustrated after following a diet. How do you overcome that?

The French magazine "Passport Plus" presented 12 tips for success in the process of losing weight and following a balanced diet without feeling frustrated or failure.

1- Drinking water before meals reduces the feeling of hunger
The magazine said that drinking water before meals is an easy exercise, and it can achieve impressive results in the long run. Drinking two large cups of water before eating would reduce the feeling of hunger, according to an American study. The study also stressed the need to add lemon to water because it contains appetite suppressants.

2- Walking to burn calories
It's easy to set aside a daily walking time, for example, during your return home from work. According to a study, an adult person weighing 60 kilograms can burn between 60 and 70 calories if he practiced walking for half an hour in moderate steps, and he can also burn between 80 and 90 calories, if he accelerated his pace. Walking half an hour a day contributes to a healthier life.

3- Eat fruits or a plate of raw vegetables or soup before a meal
Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and low in calories. Vegetables and cereals, in particular, contain soluble fiber and contribute to the formation of a gel that thickens the contents of the stomach, which contributes to slowing the digestion process and reduces the feeling of hunger.

For this reason, fruits and vegetables are an important ally in the battle of losing fat, as eating them at the beginning of the meal helps to consume less food away from any feeling of frustration.

4 - Building muscle daily
The magazine stressed the need to build muscle by practicing daily exercises in a short time, as this can be done while cooking, or when waiting for public transport, or in front of your computer, without making much effort. It is enough just to stand up straight and shrink the muscles. As for the leg muscles, it can stand on the tip of the fingers for 15 seconds, several times a day.

5- Don't miss a snack
If you are hungry in the morning or in the afternoon, you should not deprive yourself of a snack on the pretext that you should reduce your caloric intake. In this case, it is desirable to eat fruits rich in fiber and soluble because it helps reduce the feeling of hunger, which makes it a wonderful snack waiting for the next meal.

6- Gluttony sometimes
Sometimes it would be a mistake not to fulfill our desire to eat a particular food that we want to eat heavily on the pretext that it contains a massive amount of calories. If you really want to eat delicious foods, you can eat some of them and satisfy your desire.

7- Eat in a quiet place to increase the feeling of satiety
The magazine pointed out that eating in a quiet place allows you to be fully aware of the quality of healthy food that you eat. And if you watch TV while eating, you make the mistake of eating automatically and quickly without realizing what you are swallowing, which means that you eat more food and benefit less.

8- Eat in small plates
The magazine said that the size of our dishes would affect the amount of food and calories we eat, according to a study conducted in 2012. If you want to eat less without feeling frustrated, you should put your food in smaller plates.

9- Eat protein, but not in large quantities
The magazine added that it is known that proteins help to feel full. So it is important to eat it with every meal, even at breakfast. In this case, it is advised to eat eggs, dairy products, meat, fish and legumes in all daily meals.

10- Non-demonization of fat
The magazine stated that it is easy to reduce fat consumption as much as possible. However, it may be a mistake to deny yourself that, in addition to being necessary for health, fats help to enhance the feeling of satiety after every meal. So don't be afraid of fats, especially good ones like oilseeds and other sources of trans fats such as fish and olive oil.

11- Take advantage of every opportunity to engage in an activity
Standing is a form of physical activity, and activities such as gardening, talking on the phone, caring for children, and playing with animals are an appropriate opportunity to stand and avoid the office chair or sofa.