“I intend to reconsider the issue of Colombia and am ready to restore consular relations,” he said. His words are quoted by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the country.

#EnVivo 🔴 | Pdte. @NicolasMaduro: Yo aspiro a que Colombia recapacite y estoy dispuesto a reanudar relaciones consulares
# ProducirPorLaPatriapic.twitter.com / ow0zK1Jwjs

- MIPPCI (@Mippcivzla) January 29, 2020

Colombia recalled four consuls from Venezuela in February 2019. This happened after Maduro announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Bogotá and gave employees of the Colombian Embassy in Caracas 24 hours to leave Venezuela.

In October, the Venezuelan leader called for "overcoming differences and talking with each other."