Stena Metall has a metal recycling and management of environmentally hazardous waste at the current property, which is close to Kiruna's new center which is under construction.

The municipality and Stena have failed to agree despite seven years of negotiations have failed to agree on the conditions for moving the business to another location.

The government's decision to grant expropriation does not automatically mean that the issue will be resolved through compulsory redemption. But Kiruna Municipality has the opportunity for a year to take the case to the Land and Environmental Court if it is still not agreed.

In other words, the municipality can put a stronger pressure on the opposing party in the negotiations.

In the clip, Kiruna's municipal councilor Gunnar Selberg (C) explains why it is so urgent to gain access to the land and how he looks at who will pay for the redemption and the relocation of Stena's operations.