The feeling of fatherhood forced Abu Masria to risk his life and jump behind his daughter after falling from the pedestrian pier at the train station in Ismailia, northeast of Cairo, to save her from death, by running over the wheels of the train by embracing it and fixing it to the place where it fell until the vehicles passed.

The father escaped death and succeeded in staying long enough for his daughter to fall a few centimeters from the train road and showed great courage, driven by the feeling of instinctive paternity and his daughter continued to hug the entire length of the passage of the train cars without being hurt or hit any part of their bodies with the train cars.

And the matter was like a divine miracle when the train carriages continued to pass in succession, at a time when the father was hugging his daughter and laying on the ground without movement to avoid any collision, which helped him in his escape and the rescue of his son from certain death, and all who watched them at the train station asked them for safety.

The pioneers of social networking sites in Egypt participated in the video extensively and the latest interactions in the thousands, while the number of his contributions reached about two thousand in less than one day, and most of the comments circulated expressions of thanks to God for the care that the father and his daughter singled out safely from the accident.