Virus, Beijing (AP Photo / Mark Schiefelbein)

  • Wuhan virus, several isolated cities in China. Three cases in France
  • Wuhan virus, the director of Spallanzani: "No alarm in Italy"
  • Coronavirus, alert at airports around the world for the mysterious Wuhan disease
  • Mysterious virus in China: 17 more cases in Wuhan, 3 are serious
  • Chinese human-to-human virus. Flight controls are triggered
  • Sars virus. Nine died in China, the first case in the USA


January 25, 2020 The official death toll from coronavirus victims in China has risen to 41 after fifteen more deaths in the past few hours. The Chinese authorities reported this, stating that the people now infected have exceeded a thousand.

The last 15 victims occurred in the provincial capital of Wuhan, the 11 million city considered the epicenter of the epidemic, Hubei Health Commission reported.

Wuhan and 13 other cities in the province have been isolated in an unprecedented effort to contain the deadly respiratory virus that is spreading in other areas of China and other countries in the meantime.

The number of coronavirus infected people in China has jumped to nearly 1,300 , according to local authorities. At least 444 new cases of infection have been identified, bringing the total number of infected people to 1,287. This was stated by the National Health Commission in a statement.

China has extended the cordon aimed at limiting SAR-like coronavirus infection. The authorities announced this, stating that the measures now concern 56 million people . The rules include closing public transport connections and accessing highways in cities, local authorities said. At the moment, 18 cities have adopted some sort of restriction for travel to the central province of Hubei.

China has ordered measures nationwide to identify suspected coronavirus cases on trains, planes and buses as the death toll and patient numbers have increased disproportionately. This was announced by the National Health Commission. Some inspection points will be established and all travelers with pneumonia symptoms will be "immediately transported" to a medical center, the National Health Commission announced in a statement.

A first case of the coronavirus that has already claimed 41 victims in China has been confirmed in Australia , the last country in order of time to be reached by the infection. The patient, a man whose details were not disclosed, had arrived in Melbourne a week ago from Wuhan, the Chinese city epicenter of the epidemic. According to Australian Public Health Officer Brendan Murphy, the Victoria state authorities applied "the protocols strictly, and put the patient in isolation."