Hair reveals a lot about your health without paying attention to it, but it only matters when it starts to fall out heavily. Hair loss is a major concern for women, especially men.

"The condition of poetry says a lot about our state of health," author Pauline Arnal said in a report published in the French magazine "Ductesimo". Many questions arise regarding the health problems that cause hair loss, and some specialists answer this issue:

1- Alopecia or hair loss?
Alopecia affects the scalp and can affect anyone, regardless of age. It causes hair loss in a "large" amount, and the process of hair loss cannot be reduced or controlled, so why does hair fall out?

"The alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes the antibodies to attack the hair follicles, before it begins to fall out transiently," explains the pharmacist, who specializes in French laboratory exercises.

Alopecia areata disease of the scalp and causes hair loss in a "large" amount (German)

2- Menopause
Menopause is a natural phenomenon experienced by women who reach the age of fifty, where ovaries stop producing reproductive hormones and thus stop the menstrual cycle. But what has to do with hair loss?

Menopause causes major physiological changes in a woman's body. When the menstrual cycle stops, the body stops producing ovarian hormones, reducing the estrogen concentration by about 80%.

Testosterone secretion decreases from 10% to 30%. Thus, the level of estrogen becomes unable to cope with the negative effect of androgens, causing hair loss.

3- Nervous breakdown
Depression is a mental illness characterized by mood swings, and should not be confused with depression. But what has to do with hair loss?

Prolonged stress negatively affects the production of hormones, causing the acceleration of the production of androgen hormone, whose secretion excessively causes the hair follicles to be thin and fragile, according to specialist Elham Chaoufia.

Prolonged stress causes the acceleration of the production of androgen hormones, which affects the hair follicles and makes the hair brittle (German)

4- Hypothyroidism or hyperactivity
The thyroid gland is at the base of the neck and is responsible for secreting hormones to regulate the metabolism of cells in the body. But when these hormones are produced in density or are greatly reduced, they cause a decrease in blood sugar.

But why does hair fall out? Specialist Elham believes that the difference in the levels of thyroid hormones "T3" and "T4" affects the body, especially on hair growth, knowing that the thyroid gland stimulates hair follicles and enhances hair color, and the occurrence of any deficiency or disruption in the hormones can weaken the hair.

5- Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is an anticancer that destroys its cells and prevents their division. This treatment may be used alone or be accompanied by other treatment methods such as surgery, radiotherapy or other treatments.

But what has to do with hair loss? "Unfortunately, this treatment can prevent the activity of hair follicles and then stop hair from growing before it starts to fall out," according to specialist Ilham.

Chemotherapy prevents the activity of hair follicles and then stops hair from growing before it starts to fall out (Getty Images)

6- Specific medical treatment
Medical treatment in many cases disrupts the activity of the body, and the principle of chemotherapy itself almost applies to it, so the patient should be warned about the side effects of the treatment he is receiving. Among the drugs most harmful to hair are antifungals, antidepressants or even cardiovascular medications.

What is his relationship to hair loss? Medical treatment causes hormonal disorders, and since the body interacts with treatment in its own way, this naturally affects hair growth.

7- Polycystic ovary syndrome
According to the inspiration specialist, "Polycystic ovary syndrome leads to excess production of androgen hormone and testosterone. Nearly one in every ten women has this disease. One of its consequences is that it causes hormonal disorders, with irregular menstruation and excessive hair growth, and difficulty conceiving with acne." .

What is his relationship to hair loss? Androgen secretion can cause hair loss.

8- General anesthesia
General anesthesia during surgery or a simple operation means placing the patient in a "sleep" state to facilitate the doctor's work. But what has to do with hair loss?

Specialist Gayle Limousine emphasizes that "anesthesia can slow blood circulation in the small vessels in the scalp, which would negatively affect hair growth, and the longer the anesthesia takes, the greater the risk of hair loss."

Exposure to emotional stress causes disruption in the body and negatively affects the hair (Getty Images)

9- Physiological shock or emotional stress
In the case of exposure to physiological stress, or as it is also known as physiological shock or emotional stress, the body goes through three stages: the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.

During the first two stages, the body produces hormones with a state of disorder and an increase in the level of fatty acids and sugar in the body, which negatively affects the hair.

10- Baldness
Baldness is a frequent phenomenon associated with androgen hormones, and most men are affected by baldness, so women also suffer from it. Hair loss often begins during the age of forty.

What is his relationship to hair loss? Baldness is a condition associated with genetics. It is easy to get a bald remedy early enough to stop it. Specialists recommend taking two types of medications to treat baldness, minoxidil and finasteride.