The security firm's report, "FTI" on the penetration of the Amazon founder and owner of the Washington Post newspaper Jeff Bezos, and the accusation it contained of the accusation of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, caused much controversy in the international press.

Although the report clearly stated that he had found that the tool used in the hacking, which is the WhatsApp program installed on the Bezos phone of the type of iPhone X, and that the suspicions that the company estimated its medium to high potential, revolve around a video file sent from a WhatsApp account belonging to Muhammad bin Salman, except The company did not conclusively state that this breach was made through this video sent from Bin Salman's account.

The report was based on his analysis on observations and test results that show that there is a huge amount of information leaked from Bezos phone after receiving a video file from the Saudi Crown Prince on his WhatsApp account.

FTI Security Consultancy is one of the most prominent companies in the field of cyber investigations and owns laboratories for this purpose, and this is why the richest man in the world requested them to carry out investigations, and he refused to hand over his phone directly to the FBI, and assigned the mission to this company, which She published her report.

The report did not directly accuse the Saudi crown prince of trying to penetrate, but he clarified that there are still two tests that will be taken later to determine whether the video file sent was the reason for the breach?

The report said on page 16 that FTI "follows several additional investigation methods to further analyze and validate the suspected exit of the data, to confirm the malicious activity associated with WhatsApp video and other elements, and to verify the presence of previous or current malicious software."

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The report adds that the two tests currently being worked on are:

1. Interception and analysis of live cell data from the Bezos phone
The report says that FTI will create a new test environment for capturing and analyzing live cellular data from the Bezos iPhone X.

The report also stated that all data has been analyzed so far via a private Wi-Fi network without an active internet connection.

He goes on to say that malware is often complex and has methods to avoid detection and circumvention of laboratory analysis techniques.

The goal of intercepting live cellular data is to determine the contact for malware of this type, and the path for the exit of private cellular data from the Bezos phone according to the schedule on the phone.

2. Jailbreaking iPhone Bezos and checking the original file known as root files.
According to the report, this test aims to access the iPhone's root file system and scan it.

The advanced malware usually installs itself on the device's original file system - known as the file root - so that it is not removed and avoids detection of security systems, and after this evidence can identify malicious pieces on this part of the device, allowing verification in the event of a file infection The video mentioned and the confirmation of the evidence presented in this report.

The consulting firm will work with the FBI on these two tests to confirm the findings of the report.