The number of diagnoses with STDs is increasing in the county and most are infected in Sweden and in Västerbotten where the majority are infected in the county. The largest number is seen for chlamydia.

- In the case of chlamydia that has the highest numbers, we have seen a declining trend in recent years. But in the spring of 2019 we saw a trend break that lasted the year. The only reasonable interpretation we can make is that more people take risks and that there is more chlamydia in the community. This is also a trend increase throughout Norrland, says infectious disease doctor Stephan Stenmark.

Stenmark says, however, that it has not been possible to analyze everything but that the most common age group for chlamydia is 20-24 years, according to him, most people think that it is teenagers who would be the most common age group, but it is not.

"It's worrying"

How do you view this development?

- Our mission is to reduce the contagion in society so we take all such increases seriously and find it worrying. We want to be clear that condoms are still the best protection. You have to have sex as much as you want, but you have to protect yourself, especially with new and temporary contacts, says Stephan Stenmark.

But Region Västerbotten also has a responsibility in this matter, says Stephan Stenmark. The region wants it to be easy to test and therefore you also work to have a high availability for sampling, treatment and sexual health.