An image that the under 20s cannot know. (archives, of course) - ED BAILEY / AP / SIPA

It's a hell of a blunder, which we wonder how she could pass all the verification filters. A history textbook for students of Sciences Po and preparatory classes promotes conspiracy theories about the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States. It was France Info and L'Obs who spotted this information.

What does this manual in Ellipse editions say about these attacks? "This world event - probably orchestrated by the CIA (secret services) to impose American influence on the Middle East? - touches the symbols of American power on its territory ”. A slightly different version from that commonly accepted: the involvement of the Islamist terrorist group of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaida.

Conspiracy Watch, which fights conspiracy theories, has uncovered this embarrassing cut. For their part, Ellipse editions claim that this does not represent "anything in its editorial line". The author of the passage recognized "a rereading error" which "was confusing". At least. The manual will not be removed, but an explanatory note will be added.

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  • September 11th