Control of expenditures and lack of impulse at the time of the purchase are among the basic factors that must be taken into consideration to avoid future financial problems.

If you want to have a savings reserve but you have not been able to do so, there are some tricks that you can adopt to save money, as well as other tips, said author Juan Armando Corbin, in a report in the Spanish magazine Psychologicalia e Mente.

Beware of where you save money
Some people may deal with a particular bank for many years, and feel comfortable in conducting their transactions with it, but it must be careful that many banks charge high commissions and interest for their services, and they may be overrated and harmful to the interests of the customer in many cases.

In this case, you have to search and check other banks ’policies to see if there are better options for saving money.

Make saving money one of your goals
The first step to saving money is to suggest the issue to ourselves and make it a goal. In many cases, we may suggest some goals that we are unable to achieve later, so we must at first better improve our goals.

The basic plan to save money is to include it in your goals (Getty Images)

Save a fixed amount every month
Once you decide that you want to save money, you need to move from the theoretical stage to practice, that is, you must immediately start saving.

You can save money if you keep a little money every month, even if it is a small amount, especially if you schedule your expenses on a weekly basis.

Do not use a credit card
The author pointed out that a credit card may be useful when it comes to buying, but it can generate an unrealistic perception of the money in our balance that we spend. Therefore, it is best to just leave the house with the money you need rather than incur heavy costs with the credit card.

It is always a good idea to calculate what you spend every month, and to place what you spend during the month in a special circumstance.

Think about what you spend
The writer advised that you only have the necessary things you need, such as buying shoes to wear and not because you liked it.

A good strategy to avoid purchasing unnecessary items is to wait for a decision, i.e. think carefully before purchasing any item, analyze the pros and cons of your purchase, and do not fall into the trap of the beauty of product packages.

Think in the long run
Some may be reluctant to save if their thinking is limited to the short term, but it will be much easier if you think in the long run, and you do not want to face financial problems when you get older.

Thinking in the long term of your life will make it easier for you to save money (Getty Images)

Customer card usage
Many establishments offer small discounts and gifts to their customers, it is always a good idea to obtain such cards, especially if you go to this place a lot to buy your needs, but be careful; this card can lead you to buy things that you do not need.

Enjoy while saving
Saving is not an enjoyable thing, but it is necessary, and there are some applications that will make you enjoy while saving - such as "Safe App" or "Smarty Big" - that make this process a very exciting challenge.

Chewing gum and music
Since many places use music or smells to attract our senses, you can chew gum and put headphones on when you go shopping, which will help you consume less impulsively.

Think about how you earned this money
Earning money is something that deserves a lot of fatigue and endeavor, so the next time you go shopping, think about the times of fatigue you went through, and the hours you spent earning these money that you would spend overnight.

Benefit from psychology
Psychology is the science that provides knowledge about many issues that affect our day, so it is always a good idea to learn more about these topics and read articles about the psychological tricks that stores use to make you spend more money. ”You can certainly draw some conclusions to save money.

It is important to know the many issues and factors that affect the way we spend money (Getty Images)

Beware of electricity and water
With the high cost of electricity and water bills we consume, it will always be best to turn off the lighting when this is not necessary, and avoid excessive consumption. For example, you can place a reminder not to overuse water near the tap.

Preparing food at home
Going to the restaurant may seem more comfortable than cooking at home if you eat lunch in the office, but if you want to save money it will be better to bring your food from home.

24 hour use base
It is a good idea to implement 24-hour technology if we want to save, and this technology includes delaying the decision to purchase anything for up to 24 hours.

Put a reminder on your card
If you don't want to drop your credit card, put at least a reminder next to it so you don't forget you're saving, you can put a sticker on your wallet until you remember that.

stop smoking
Smoking is among the harmful and costly habits that must be abandoned. If you stop smoking, you will not only notice the benefits of this on your health, but also on your pocket, as quitting smoking is among the most effective tricks to save money, but at the same time it requires great sacrifices.

Quitting smoking is one of the most effective ways to save money (Pixabe)

Imagine the purchase as money
Instead of seeing those new sneakers that you bought as a new fashion, look at them at the price they cost you, perhaps that way they will make you value them more.

Record the money you spend
Writing down the money you've spent is one of the great savings strategies, as it can be effective reviews to see what you've spent this month.

Set a budget
Knowing the money you spent each month can help you plan for the next month, so do not hesitate to put the money you will need in an envelope, and save the rest in your current account.

Take advantage of offers
Many shops offer discounts on some products, and you can avoid wasting money by comparing available offers.

For example, when buying a large box of tuna, there is a 50% discount on the second package, if you are smart in the purchases you can save a lot of money every month.