Mohammed Al-Minshawi-Washington

Today begins the fourth year of the rule of US President Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, who pledged to his citizens three years ago to start a new era "unlike what they knew before."

His first three years of rule were unique, fraught with crises and shocks that addressed him or her to others, most notably - internally - the defeat of his Republican Party in the November 2018 congressional elections, and the transition of the majority of Democrats to the House of Representatives.

Without this defeat, Trump would not have been subject to the condemnation of the House of Representatives, which was followed by the start of his trial, which aims to isolate before the Senate; and then begins his fourth and final year in his presidential term upon the impact of a historic trial, the third in American history.

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Trump began taking office on this day in 2017 with a sharp attack on the American media against the background of a dispute over estimates of the numbers of those who attended and who witnessed his inauguration as President of the United States, and compared that with the numbers of those who attended the inauguration ceremony of his predecessor Barack Obama.

Since then, Trump's battles have not stopped; most notably, they have been linked to investigations into Russian interference in the elections that brought him to the White House. After he was acquitted by the report of independent investigator Robert Mueller of collusion with Russia, the Battle of Ukraine Gate began.

The House of Representatives condemned Trump for the charges of using the position for political and personal gain, in addition to the charge of obstructing the work of Congress, and he became the third president in American history to be tried before the Senate, which could theoretically lead to his dismissal.

A poll conducted by Business Daily during the period between 3 and 11 of this month, and 846 voters, supported 46% of President Trump's re-election for a second term, and these ratios did not differ much throughout his years of rule, regardless of the crises he faces.

Behind Trump's support for the right is a conservative right-wing voting bloc that Trump gives whatever she wants, in addition to the steady performance of the strong American economy during the past years.

To please the conservative right-wingers, Trump appointed two new judges to the Supreme Constitutional Court: Neil Gorsch and Brett Kavanaugh, after fighting a prominent battle in both cases. By appointing them, the Supreme Court - composed of nine judges - has tended to favor conservative forces, which could threaten other US laws such as the right to abortion and bear arms.

In economic terms, the Dow Jones index on January 17 reached 29,348 points, after it was 18,332 points on Trump's arrival to the presidency, recording an increase of more than 60%. While his economic policies maintained a low level of unemployment almost constant at 3.5%, one of the lowest in American history.

The economy was also associated with Trump's launching a trade war against China and other global economies, which Trump promoted as necessary wars to protect the American worker, manufacturer, and consumer.

A poll conducted by "Quinciac" University during the period from 8 to 12 of this month, and included 1562 American voters; that the percentage of those who approve of Trump's economic policies reached 57%, while 38% of the respondents rejected his economic policies.

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Twitter haven
Trump has chosen Twitter on Twitter to communicate with the world around him, and despite his television interviews and press interviews on various occasions; Twitter has been his favorite media tool avoided by traditional media, and his Twitter followers number reached 71.2 million people.

And the American magazine "Time" counted 12,000 tweets for Trump until last November, and the number of tweet words reached more than 266 thousand words, which is similar to the words of a huge book that exceeds 780 pages, and tweets received 933 million likes. And 231 million retweets.

This case prompted the New York Times to say that Trump "is addicted to using Twitter, and used it as a tool of his rule, similar to the cannon in his hand, which shoots his opponents whenever he wants."

Trump's tweets touched on various issues such as: investigating Russian interference in the US elections, trying to isolate and prosecute him, attacking many famous artists and businessmen, attacking members of Congress, attacking foreign leaders, and announcing very important initiatives and policies.

Trump's tweets were not limited to the English language, as he wrote two tweets in Persian following the protest demonstrations in Iran: "To the brave Iranian people who have suffered so long and have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency, my government will continue to stand with you. We follow your protests closely, and your courage is an inspiration to us." .

In his first official speech during his inauguration ceremony three years ago, Trump said, "Today's celebration has a very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we transfer power from Washington, and we give it to you again, We give it to the people. "

Today, after three years, the US President stands accused before the Senate, and despite his guarantee of staying after the end of the trial, no one knows what the third of November will have for Trump, America and the world.