- It is very serious that we cannot offer all patients care within the agreed timeframes. On the one hand, this means concern for the patients, and on the other, there is a risk that the disease may become more difficult to treat. We are aware of the problems and have been working for a long time in many ways to remedy them and minimize the effects for patients, says Per Ola Kimblad, Deputy Head of Administration at Skåne University Hospital in a press release.

Of 115 high-priority patients, only 25 received surgery within the time specified in the standardized care programs. An agreement that all regions have supported. The period under review was the first half of 2019.

At present, waiting times are about eight weeks. The main reason is the lack of anesthetic nurses, says Per Ola Kimblad.

- It is an important and sought-after competence that we compete with other care providers for.

Measures in place

In order to overcome these problems, Sus has taken several measures. Among other things, re-prioritized and subtracted on other types of operations in order to free employees.

Furthermore, some cancer operations have been moved to other hospitals, including to Ystad laser hospital and also abroad.

- We have also taken help from other hospitals both nationally and internationally. We also temporarily use other methods, such as staffing certain operating rooms with anesthesiologists instead of anesthesia nurses, says Per Ola Kimblad.

High priority issue

In cancer care, queue initiatives are implemented. Among other things, more operations are performed in the evenings and weekends. At the same time, Skåne University Hospital sees in its forecast for the future that the situation is serious.

- All the managers involved have this as their highest priority. We are doing our utmost to improve the situation for the affected patients, concludes Per Ola Kimblad.