Movement is the password for better health, be it on foot, bike riding, or even swimming. Walking is the easiest sport in practice and not having equipment or swimming pool. How many steps does one need to walk in order to burn one cube of sugar?

The answer is provided by the German "T Online" website in an interview with the specialized doctor Christina Graff, vice president of the German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention, as she said that an average human burns one cube of sugar for every 500 steps they take, and this shows the importance of continuing in this beneficial sport.

Obtaining the slim body of millions of people, and hiking may be the preferred option for many, due to its ease and possibility to take it at any time, whether at work, street or even with friends, but how many steps are needed daily?

On the other hand, many of us are resorting these days to the technology provided by the smartphone, especially applications for the number of steps throughout the day.

10 thousand steps
This number is of great importance to practitioners of hiking through applications, as they consider it the cut-off for effective daily exercise. However, Dr. Graff warns that the number of steps per se is not what matters, for ten thousand steps are equivalent to approximately five kilometers, which is a good distance but not enough.

Of course, some feel happy when we reach that daily goal of walking 10,000 steps.

Step in the right direction
Although this distance is not enough, Graf sees it as a step in the right direction, because the most important is not the number of steps but rather the movement itself, as it activates the blood circulation, which enhances the body's immunity. And permanent movement reduces the incidence of many serious diseases.

On the other hand, the use of electronic applications to measure steps sparked controversy among experts, as the number of steps only may not be very accurate, as it does not show the amount of effort involved, and whether he practiced it was a fast step in a steady movement or was he walking slow, because that means a difference Real between the two in terms of the results that each of them will result in one's fitness.