
January 21, 2020 An earthquake of magnitude 3.6 was registered by the seismographs of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology at 4.24 in the province of Foggia. The epicenter was located four kilometers from the municipality of Carpino and at a depth of 20 km.

"The shock was felt distinctly from the population. Several citizens woke up, starting with myself. It did not last long, perhaps a few seconds and was accompanied by a roar. A little frightened but at the moment it is not reported no damage. Now we're going to do some routine checks in public buildings. " The mayor of San Giovanni Rotondo, in the province of Foggia, Michele Crisetti, reports to the Adnkronos about the earthquake in the Gargano, which was also felt in the rest of the Daunia territory and in the sixth province Bat.