Mohamed Salah

Doctors affirm that human health begins with his thoughts and outlook on matters and the extent of his optimism or pessimism, according to Dr. Susan Nolin Hoyksma, a psychologist and professor at Yale University, “When people are in a depressed mood, they remember the things that happened to them in the past, and explain the situations in their current lives In a more negative way, the future becomes in their eyes hopeless. "

She adds, "This preoccupation with thinking about the problem to the point where it becomes difficult to overcome the cycle of sad thoughts, causing a feeling of helplessness that paralyzes the skills of providing solutions and enters the cud in a vicious circle of negative thoughts."

So the American writer Douglas Bloch, a mental health specialist, warns against falling into the "self-grinding" trap by grinding ourselves under anxious, fearful and self-whipping thoughts on unsuccessful experiences, such as job loss or marriage breakdown or bad childhood incidents, and continuing to "chew" over and over And again, let us dig under our feet and "eat ourselves" without stopping or benefiting.

These waves of "rumination of ideas" pull us towards a state of isolation in which we suffer from psychological and physical problems, and getting out of them becomes difficult.

Thoughts for ruminating ideas
Which stimulates rumination of negative thoughts and enters us into a spiral of self-milling:

Unity, emptiness, neglect of physical activities, absence of emotional communication and social relations.

- Circulate the results, "As long as you fail in a relationship, I will never find the right partner" and continues to regurgitate this idea.

- Questioning others' intentions and assuming that they "think I'm boring," I'm sure "they think I'm stupid."

- Preempting events and asserting that "there is no point in trying to do this" or "I will never be able to succeed."

Blame and insult the soul, such as saying "I am the cause of all losses and calamities", "I am a fool and a failure."

Intimidation. If you cannot find a bag, you will lose it. You will give in to the idea that you have Alzheimer's.

Inability to transcend and forget, inability to confront and express, and a lack of life experience.

When do you live all your life with the same ideas:

- Ibrahim Zahran (@i_brahimZZ) December 13, 2019

Ruminating damages
The accelerating rhythm of life makes many people in a state unable to emerge from a cycle of rumination of negative thoughts and fear of the next, without realizing the effect of this on their health which is:

Insomnia and disease: German psychotherapist Christian Liedke says, "If we think negatively or if we have negative expectations, the center of pain in the brain secretes hormones cortisone and adrenaline, which causes anxiety and pain."

Studies have also shown that repeated thinking in the past and restoring the juvenile tape bring insomnia and increase the interaction of cortisol that causes cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance.

Social isolation : According to Susan Nolin Hoyksma, "engaging in negative thinking gives a person a state of frowning and depression, which causes family members and friends to dull and shake those around him."

Depression and Gluttony : Susan Nolin also states, "Rumination of thoughts causes depression, anxiety, and PTSD, and gluttony and excessive food and drink become a way to continue life."

Thinking without solutions: Frequent negative thinking in questions such as why did you do such and such? And what if such happened? It drains energy and distracts attention from researching the causes, and prevents solutions to any problems.

Get rid of negative thoughts
Here are steps to overcome self-grinding and negative rumination, for a better life:

Take your breath: give yourself a break and try to take a step back to look into the potential risks to your health. The first step out of the vicious circle is to divert your attention from ruminating thoughts.

Correct your idea of ​​yourself: negative self-talk gradually turns into negative feelings that can be ruminated to the effect that we are not fit for anything, so positive messages must be sent that reinforce your perceptions of yourself.

Smile and focus on the good things: nothing is perfect and you will encounter obstacles throughout the day. Look at the positive side, even if it is small, and use your smile to get rid of negative thoughts. Try to smile even in the darkest moments and remind yourself that what you are going through now can be just a story from the past.

Reduce the present : not for a day or an hour, but for a moment, so that you do not chew in a negative word that you heard from one of them five minutes ago. Just focus on the moment and forget about what happened before, and you will find that the issue is not as bad as you imagine, and it is not worth ruminating ideas.

Dr. Aaron Beck was asked to give life advice from his experience.

His answer may sound normal or intuitive, but you need to know that he is one of the most influential psychotherapists in the history of psychology, and that he is considered the father of cognitive therapy and CBT.

Worth the focus. # Psychological Translations

- Psychological translations (@psyche_ar) January 1, 2020

Armed with friendship: when you surround yourself with positive friends, you will hear positive perspectives that influence your thoughts. But in order to find such people and arm themselves with their presence in the face of ruminating thoughts, you must get rid of negativity, and let their positivity affect your life.

- Fill in the void: by shifting thinking and concern from internal rumination to external mobility, by engaging in activities that promote positive thoughts such as sport, meditation, hiking in nature, social activity, emotional communication, reading and listening to music.

Learn from failure: focus on solving the problem, as mistakes are made and losses happen to everyone. Do not focus on failure and try to learn from it to avoid it in the future. Instead of chewing questions like "Why do these things happen to me?" And "What went wrong with you?", Outline something concrete you can do to overcome your problems.