Samer Allawi - Kuala Lumpur

The anti-Zionist Jewish scholar, Ilan Pappe, considered the Palestinian issue "a model for defrauding democratic principles and denying Western governments the aspirations of their people."

He said in a symposium held in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, that the majority of Western peoples, especially Europeans, "are no longer ignorant of the Palestinian issue, and support the Palestinian right to freedom and self-determination and reject the injustice practiced by the occupation in an organized manner."

He added in remarks to Al-Jazeera Net that Western societies - which are aware of the violations taking place against the Palestinian people - do not accept them as civilized peoples, and that Western governments do not reflect the feelings of their citizens in their support for the Zionist state, especially when it comes to human rights issues and the right to self-determination.

Babi, a professor at the University of Exeter, described the growing knowledge and awareness of the Palestinian issue with an ice ball that no one can stop. In his view, awareness of the issue left no room for Western peoples to find impartiality, and pushed them to take sides in support of the Palestinian cause, as people became aware of who is the oppressor and who is the oppressor.

The researcher also criticized the printing press and their relations with Israel, and said that countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan prevented pressure on Israel to change its policies, and pointed out that Israeli relations with Arab countries exceeded diplomatic ties to military and intelligence cooperation.

He added that Israel succeeded in covering the policy of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians by marketing Iran as a common enemy, and that these countries found in Israel a link to the United States.

Pape speaking during the seminar held in the Malaysian capital (Al-Jazeera)

The professor believes that one of the reasons for this relationship is that "these countries believe that Israel is a good link with the United States. In the case of Saudi Arabia, which does not have full relations with Israel as is the case with Jordan and Egypt, it provides Israel with a feeling that it is a strategic ally, and this does not help in Put pressure on her to force her to change her policies. "

Arab Spring
Babi, who was born in Haifa and immigrated from Israel to live in Britain, described the Israeli occupation of Palestine as the ugliest example of the ethnic cleansing in the contemporary world, because foreign occupiers impersonate the character of the indigenous population and deal with them as foreigners who must be expelled and oppressed.

He said that the events in the Arab world are fully linked to the conflict in Palestine, and without granting this people their rights to freedom and dignity, it is impossible for the international community to improve the conditions of human rights and civil life in the Arab world, and this requires a return to the Palestinian catastrophe and a reassessment of the effects that Behind it was the Zionist settlement and Zionist ideas in order to rebuild reconciliation and peace in historic Palestine and the entire region.

And the original Israeli researcher - who wrote several books on the Palestinian issue - warned of the continuing turmoil in the Middle East unless justice is given to the Palestinian people.

He said during a symposium entitled "Palestine is the issue" that was held at the International Institute of Thought and Civilization (Istak) that the civil wars in the Middle East are linked to the Palestinian issue, and that the catastrophic effects of the ongoing Palestinian Nakba are much greater than the wars that the entire Middle East has witnessed for nearly ten years, and that In his view, given the long period of Israeli persecution and open Western support for the occupation.

ethnic cleansing
The professor cited the ethnic cleansing by deporting seventy thousand Palestinians from the total population of the city of Haifa, which was 75 thousand during two days in 1948, and a new Jewish population replaced the original Palestinian population.

He also called on oppressed peoples all over the world to champion, support every people for the other people until global justice is achieved, and set an example of the positive impact of a demonstration in Gaza in solidarity with American blacks when the authorities used Israeli weapons to suppress them.

Bape is director of the European Center for Palestinian Studies and associate professor at the Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter, British, born in Haifa and obtained his undergraduate degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and worked as a teacher at the University of Haifa until 2007, and headed the Emile Toma Institute for Palestinian Studies, and since 2007 he works as a teacher at the University of Exeter.

He has authored more than twenty books in addition to many articles in the history of the Middle East in general and the Palestinian issue in particular, such as "Contemporary History of Palestine: One Land and Two People, 2013" and "Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine, 2007". His latest book, "The Largest Prison on Earth: The History of the Israeli Occupation, 2018".