In a survey by the National Food Agency, food waste in municipal schools and preschools as well as the elderly care has been under scrutiny. And there are large amounts of food being thrown daily - over 60 tonnes, according to the National Food Agency's figures.

- This is not a surprising result, but it is exactly in line with other studies conducted within the municipalities. But it's a lot of food that's thrown away - clearly, says Karin Fritz, project manager at the National Food Agency, in SVT's Aktuellt.

"Usually there is food left in the tin"

The biggest food waste is the so-called serving waste.

- It is because it is quite common for food to be left in the cans, carrots or canteens in the serving when lunch is over and that you are then not able to take care of it.

Karin Fritz advises kitchen staff to think smart about serving - for example, by presenting less food at the end of lunch occasions.

- Then you also need both the knowledge and the equipment to handle the food, and to cool it down safely to serve it - for example the day after.

By 2030, Sweden must have halved its food waste. In a few weeks, the National Food Agency will launch a public meal handbook, with specific tips on how less food can be wasted.

See the entire interview in the clip above.