The new laws, introduced a few years ago, make it easier for both private individuals and companies who want to set up surveillance cameras.

But despite the changed legislation, filming is not always free.

- No, it's not. It is still necessary to follow the law, says Frida Orring, lawyer at the Data Inspectorate, in SVT's Aktuellt.

Private individuals are allowed to guard on their own site

The laws in question are, above all, the Data Protection Regulation GDPR and the Camera Surveillance Act, Frida Orring says and gives some examples:

- If a private person is guarding his own site, with a surveillance area that is within the site boundaries, then it's okay.

- If you are a company that has to oversee elsewhere, you have to identify your need for monitoring - and see that it weighs more than the privacy interest of the individual.

So if we take a clothing store for example, what applies to them?

- You can generally say that inside a store, where you may have problems with crime, you can have a heavy weight to monitor, says Frida Orring.

Hear more examples in the clip above.