The Child Safety Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah confirmed that it had organized many campaigns, workshops and lectures in the past year 2019 to educate individuals and students about the causes and seriousness of bullying, in order to enhance the culture of students and families about the impact of this negative behavior on them, as it included introducing them to the different methods of bullying, how to prevent and protect From him by teaching them positive concepts.

The Child Safety Department said that bullying, according to studies and monitoring during the past year, is due to seven reasons: personality disorder, lack of self-esteem, aggressive behaviors, depression, or psychological illnesses, such as loneliness, and may be behind it home problems or jealousy, and the desire to the influence.

In detail, the director of the Child Safety Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah, Hanadi Saleh Al-Yafi, stressed that despite the outbreak of bullying, in the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about him and its negative and devastating effects on society, and the child in particular, as the rapid revolutions allowed In technology and communications, bullying reproduces itself in new forms, most notably cyberbullying.

She showed that the reasons for bullying include personality disorder, lack of self-esteem, aggressive behaviors, depression, or psychological diseases, such as loneliness, and may be behind him home problems, or jealousy, and a desire to influence, noting that the family is considered one of the most important influences in the child's behavior, followed by School, therefore, the language of dialogue should be the basis for strengthening the child's psychological immunity, not to resort to violence by any means, giving sufficient space for expression, and setting up various targeted programs that make the child get rid of hostile and negative feelings. She continued: "The risk of bullying in childhood lies in the fact that it does not stop at this stage, but leaves an impact and a sign that accompanies the bullied person, and is reflected in his characteristics and behaviors when he is old, in order to affect him and others."

And she indicated that «Child Safety» realized that children and students cannot be left prey to bullying, and preventive solutions and proactive measures must be taken, so a number of initiatives were implemented, during the past year, to combat this phenomenon and create a stimulating climate for students and their thinking, and builds their various abilities and skills, And it helps them uncover the challenges they face.

She pointed out that among the most prominent of these initiatives is a group of educational workshops on bullying, within the activities of the National Week of Bullying Prevention, the launch of the initiative “Ambassadors of electronic security”, offering workshops on bullying and electronic security in a suburban festival, and organizing an interactive workshop for children on the concept of bullying using interactive games, Focus on and consolidate positive values ​​with them, and other workshops that I presented in the "Outlet 88 Food and Shopping" event, which was aimed at all members of the family. The Director of the Child Safety Department stated that this year will carry more initiatives, awareness programs and educational workshops aimed at children and their families, to form a wall against all factors and influences that contribute to feeding bullying, or any foreign ideas that allow our society to tolerate bullying and bullying.