As of this year, all sports for children and young people shall be based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

"The change will be that all associations must work more intensively on the issues of children and youth," says Elin Hornbrink, an expert in children's and youth sports at RF-SISU Småland.

An example of this could be the creation of a youth board in its association.

"Positive to the law"

Emil Fritzell, youth manager at Husqvarna FF, says that the associations must be even clearer in what they stand for and how they work.

He is basically positive to the law but also sees the risk of being interpreted in different ways.

- Some parents may not see it as the best for their child, although the Convention on the Rights of Children says it should be good for all children.

The children should feel safe

New to the associations is that they must request an extract from the police load register for all leaders and other persons who come into contact with the children.

- We are already doing this to ensure that we do not have leaders in our association who have no background that is inappropriate, says Emil Fritzell, youth manager at Husqvarna FF.