A cliff in Normandy (illustration). - CD_Photosaddict / Pixabay

It was around 7:30 am this Sunday morning when the police intervened to try to prevent a 22-year-old girl from committing suicide by jumping from a cliff to Granville (Manche). Thanks to the agents' rapid intervention, the girl was saved, reports LCI.

When they got there, the police had trouble locating the girl because it was still dark. Fortunately, one of their colleagues at the police station was able to locate the victim more precisely by calling her on her phone.

Saved in extremis

After being spotted by the police, the girl started to run and tripped on the parapet. One of the police officers rushed towards her, almost catching her. But then she got up and threw herself into the void. However, the man managed to grab his belt.

"At that moment, I feel, as she struggles, that her belt is slipping under my hand, that she pushes with her feet against the wall to fall into the void," he remembers. With the help of another colleague, the girl was finally able to be saved. "She was far too young to die, everything had to be done to avoid this," the police officer told LCI.


Seine-Maritime: A woman found dead at the foot of the cliffs, the second in a week


Morbihan: A hiker kills herself by falling from a cliff at Belle-Ile

  • News
  • Police officer
  • Rescue
  • Suicide