Psychotherapy provides a safe space for the patient to be able to express his anxiety and give him the support he needs. What are the reasons that lead us to seek psychological help?

The writer Angel Roll said in a report published by the Spanish newspaper "Periodico" that there are many reasons for seeking psychological help.

The writer indicated that people undergoing treatment notice signs of improving their lives as treatment progresses.

In these sessions, the psychologist not only helps you solve the problems you are experiencing, but also gives you more awareness about the treatment process itself. But despite all the improvements, it is difficult for us to tell others that we are undergoing psychiatric treatment or in the process of doing so, and even if someone tells us it will be from the inner circle. What is the reason behind the fact that we visited a psychiatrist?

1- The rule of others
This is not just about visiting a psychiatrist, but it includes everything that could affect us. We cannot deny the fact that the judgment of others is of great concern to us because the mere feeling of being different from others or someone trying to evaluate the reasons or motives that led us to consult a doctor makes us feel frustrated.

2- They will see me weak
There are still many people who do not believe in the work of a psychiatrist, without realizing it is a healthy branch based on science and clear evidence. For some, it is a weakness that you undergo treatment should know how to get rid of it yourself.

3- They will give up on me
The writer explained that people who undergo psychiatric treatment fear that others think they suffer from an imbalance, so they are afraid to disclose it because they believe that others will judge and abandon them.

4- I feel shy
In some cases, many people refuse to disclose it because of shame, as this seems very personal and intimate, or because of the fear that informing and deepening someone on the subject could complicate the matter for them.

Among the symptoms and reasons that require a review by a psychiatrist:

1- Changes in mood or personality.

2- Emotional or behavioral problems.

3- Moments of vital crises such as divorce.

4- Having an emotional shock or a bad event.

5- Prevention of stress or anxiety.

6- Getting emotional well-being and reassurance.