Four Possibilities for Airliner Crashes Ukrainian Government Official Jan 10 5:04

About a Ukrainian airliner crashed in Iran with about 180 passengers and crew, Ukrainian government officials investigate the cause of the crash in four possible ways, including technical troubles and collisions with other flying objects. It was a policy.

Ukraine International Airlines' Boeing 737-800 crashed immediately after taking off from the airport in Tehran, the capital of Iran, killing nearly 180 passengers and crew, according to the Ukrainian government.

Danilov, secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, said on Friday that the cause of the crash was to be investigated in four possible ways at this time. did.

In particular,
エ ン ジ ン The engine may have been damaged and exploded due to technical problems,
可能 Possibility of collision with other flying objects such as drones,
し て い ま す It is possible that an explosion due to terrorism occurred on the aircraft.

According to information that a fragment of a shell of an air defense missile system was found near the crash site, the investigation is being conducted without excluding the possibility that the airliner was shot down.

On the other hand, the Iranian government has said that the crash was a technical trouble, as it was witnessed that the crashed airliner flew with fire from the jet engine after taking off.