Cystitis is one of the most annoying urinary problems that can afflict a person, as it creates an immediate desire to go to the bathroom, in addition, during the infection this person feels heartburn while urinating. Often, these two things affect our daily life and make us sick.

The American website "Step to Health" said that this condition develops when bacteria enter the walls of the urethra, making them inflamed. Although it is not usually a serious infection, it causes a feeling of discomfort, which is difficult to handle if not treated properly.

The site added that all people are threatened with exposure to these microorganisms or irritants. However, it is more common in women, since their urethra is shorter, which enhances the passage of microbes inward. Although the symptoms usually improve within days, it is best to know some of these recommendations to speed up the healing process.

Some patients are more likely to confuse cystitis with other types of vaginal or urinary infections. However, there are always distinct symptoms that allow us to recognize them without much difficulty.

The following are signs that indicate cystitis:

● Constant desire to urinate.
● Pelvic pain or burning when urinating.
● Feeling of irritation.
Bloody urine.
Turbid urine with a strong odor.
● Pain that spreads from the lower back to the pelvis.
● Compression in the lower abdomen.
Mild fever.

For the treatment of cystitis, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications may sometimes be required.

Cystitis can generally be avoided by making some lifestyle changes.

1- Increasing water consumption
The site indicated that the main step to get rid of cystitis is to consume enough water and healthy fluids. Although some ignore this, dehydration is one of the main factors affecting cystitis and other urinary diseases. When there are not enough fluids, the kidneys do not produce enough urine. As a result, bacteria grow uncontrollably.

Advice :
Drink about eight glasses of water per day, and eat natural juices and broths to meet this demand.

2- Avoid irritating foods
Although cystitis is mainly caused by the growth of bacteria, some irritants can affect their growth or further complicate the symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to try to limit foods that contain these irritants to ensure effective treatment.

Advice :
Do not consume alcohol and caffeine, and try to avoid tobacco and soft drinks.

3- He urinated every three or four hours
One of the causes of this type of infection, according to the site, is that keeping urine in the bladder for a long time. In fact, urination helps remove bacteria from the bladder, and maintains a balanced pH in the urinary system.

Advice :
Try to go to the bathroom every two or three hours, and if you need to go to the bathroom ahead of time, do not hesitate to do so.

4- Caring for the cleanness of the intimate area
The website stressed that failure to care for the intimate area hygiene can cause recurrent episodes of cystitis. In fact, about 80% of the bacteria that produce this infection come from improper cleaning of the genital area.

Advice :
To avoid microbes from the anal area reaching the vagina, it is necessary to clean and dry from front to back. Moreover, using intimate soap suitable for your genital area is a good choice, as it keeps the pH in the vagina at the appropriate level, and prevents the spread of bacteria or fungi.

5- Choose cotton underwear
The site advised to choose cotton underwear, because it has many benefits for getting rid of cystitis. It should be noted that this substance allows the entry of air, which prevents the development of a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Advice :
Check the underwear stickers and make sure that more than 90% of the material is cotton. In addition, choose the appropriate size, given that if it is too narrow, it increases the temperature and humidity in the area.

6- Drink cranberry juice
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of cranberry juice help get rid of cystitis.

Advice :
To help get rid of cystitis, drink cranberry juice twice a day, but before that consult a doctor and do not stop treating cystitis. Moreover, cranberry juice can be used as a preventative measure at least three times a week.