Natural skin care options have the power of famous advanced products and the same high-tech devices that have conquered the world of beauty.

In her report, published by WebMed, the author, Majestic Tarin, presented seven natural skin care options, with an emphasis on the need to consult a doctor before using them, because even if they were natural they might not suit some.

1- Coconut oil
Recent research has shown that extra virgin coconut oil resists the factors that cause inflammation in the body and makes the skin better and smoother. Moreover, experts praise the benefits of coconut oil for the scalp. However, caution should be exercised when applying coconut oil, as it can worsen acne.

2- Gotu Kola
This herb contains many benefits such as accelerating wound healing. In this regard, the expert explained the chemical compositions of cosmetics Michelle Wong that this ancient herb that is often used in Asian cuisine is now used in modern skin care due to its role in accelerating wound healing because it contains a mixture of amino acids and beta-carotene and fatty acids useful for treating injuries.

3- Green tea
It is known for its cosmetic and preventative benefits such as sun protection and anti-aging. According to dermatologist Jenin Downey, "green tea provides good results in the field of protecting the skin and fighting aging factors, as it contains polyphenols with anti-oxidant properties and are effective in treating sun-damaged skin."

4- Oats
The author has spoken of his effectiveness in the field of skin care because of its anti-inflammatory properties and relieving the symptoms of eczema. Its flour also contains anti-inflammatory and irritation substances similar to Avenanthramide, so it is extremely effective in relieving symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema and rashes.

5- Shea Butter
It is extracted from shea tree nuts, and is known for its cosmetic and curative benefits, and its anti-inflammatory and skin irritation nature. As a result, it is an essential ingredient in many preparations. In this regard, a study has shown its effectiveness in treating eczema in children and treating itching within four weeks. According to another study, adults improved within two weeks.

6- Soybeans
It has anti-pigmentation properties, increases collagen production as well as a variety of skin-beneficial substances on GRAS, antioxidants, fatty acids and isoflavones. Moreover, it contributes to increasing estrogen and the treatment of skin diseases related to menopause.

7- Tea tree oil
It has therapeutic and cosmetic benefits, such as fighting skin blemishes and imperfections and fighting microbes. And it helps to resist microbes and fight infections, fungi and bacteria. It is effective in fighting acne caused by bacteria and reducing inflammation and spots.

It is important to consult a dermatologist when trying any new treatment, to ensure that these natural remedies are used correctly and to avoid side effects.