Consideration of self-driving tractor on public road between Tabata December 31 6:18


To compensate for the shortage of farmers, the government is considering ways to allow autonomous tractors to run only on public roads between rice fields and fields during the coming year.

Until now, self-driving tractors have been commercialized with systems that allow humans to monitor and run, and systems for remotely monitoring and running are being researched and developed for practical use next year.

However, at present, running on public roads is not permitted in principle, so public roads between rice fields and fields need to be driven by humans, and it has been pointed out that this does not solve the shortage of farmers. .

For this reason, the government is considering ways to make necessary system revisions during the next fiscal year so that the system can be driven automatically only on public roads between rice fields and fields.

In addition, the government is promoting initiatives to share data obtained from tractors and other agricultural machinery with the aim of promoting “smart agriculture,” which is carried out efficiently using state-of-the-art technology.