“This morning, an attack was made on a military unit in the south of the country,” Lopez wrote on his Twitter.

En la madrugada de hoy, fue asaltada una unidad militar al sur del país, por sectores extremistas de la oposición, siendo sustraídas un lote de armas de dicha unidad.

- Vladimir Padrino L. (@vladimirpadrino) December 22, 2019

The minister noted that the attack was carried out by "extremist sectors of the opposition."

Lopez said that those detained in the incident are currently giving evidence.

“As a result of this terrorist attack, one soldier died,” he added.

Earlier, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, during a speech in Caracas announced the readiness of the Bolivarian army to protect the people of the country by 1000%.

On December 15, Venezuelan Minister of Communications and Information Jorge Rodriguez accused leaders of the country's opposition forces of preparing attacks on military units.