Office charge for those over 75 years old 20% burden income standard Focusing on the line drawing December 20th 4:05

The government's review meeting about the contact burden at hospitals for people over 75 years old has shown a policy of raising the number of people over a certain income from 10% to 20%. The study for the final report of next summer will focus on where to draw the standard of income for 20% of the burden.

In an interim report compiled by the government's all-generation social security review committee, the social security system is revised to the “adapted burden” concept that demands the burden according to income, not age, in order to suppress the increase in the burden on the active generation I need it.

In addition, regarding the medical system for the elderly at 75 years of age or older, it was clearly stated that the contact burden at hospitals, etc., which is 10% in principle, shall be "20% for those with a certain income or higher."

The government wants to conclude the income standard for those who require a 20% burden by the final report to be compiled next summer so that the baby boomer can be implemented by FY2022, when it begins to turn 75 years old.

There is a voice from the ruling party asking for a target of 20% burden because it should be considered not to be an excessive burden.

On the other hand, health insurance associations, etc., where active generations of salaried workers join, insisted that expanding the scope of coverage because it would not lead to an improvement in insurance finances if the number of eligible individuals was reduced too much. , Where will be the focus.