From Västra Götaland and Halland to Södermanland, Uppsala and Stockholm County, SMHI has issued Class 1 warnings for the high amounts in lakes and watercourses.

- During the last month there has been a lot of rainfall, rain, but even snow that has melted. It has filled up in the ground and then flowed into the waterways. It runs to everywhere. The lakes have been filled up, and then there has been more rain, says Bent Göransson, on-duty hydrologist at SMHI.

The most difficult thing has been in Värmland, where the Glafsfjorden and Byälven flooded.

- It seems to have reached the peak now. It should start to ring off, but there are still high flows, so it is not calm that way, says Bent Göransson.

Looks to drop next week

Several areas have flooded around Lake Mälaren and during Wednesday the Slussen in Stockholm was opened up extra much to lose more in the Baltic Sea.

- It looks like it has had a good effect. It may be that the climb has stopped completely. But there is a lot going on in the rivers around Lake Mälaren, says Bent Göransson.

Water levels appear to fall to more normal levels next week.

- Looking at the rainfall forecasts, no large amounts of rain are expected, but it is a rather uncertain situation, says Bent Göransson.