October 1: The company Apotekstjänst takes over the deliveries of vital material to the healthcare system. They will supply everything from plastic gloves to test tubes and syringes. Agreements are concluded with five regions - Örebro, Uppsala, Västmanland, Dalarna and Sörmland.

October 10: Örebro and Uppsala announce that they have a lack of materials because they have not received what they ordered. One by one, the regions go up in staff position.

October 11: All planned operations are canceled in the Uppsala region.

October 16: Hospitals in Västerås and Köping cancel their planned operations.

October 17: The Dalarna Region cancels planned operations.

October 21: The region's politicians have an extra session with the pharmacy service on the situation. The CEO of the company leaves the meeting before it is final - later it appears that he has already resigned as CEO.

October 22: Uppsala Academic Hospital starts operating again, as do Dalarna and Västmanland the following days.

October 25: Swedish Radio Ekot reveals that Apotekstjänst has wasted thousands of drug-classified tablets.

October 28: The last region, Örebro, goes out of staff position.

November 1: A compilation of the journal Dagens Medicin shows that over 480 operations have been canceled as a result of the chaos. The worst affected is Akademiska in Uppsala with 259 operations.

November 25: The five regions start an external review of the problems. The report will be presented in June 2020.

December 3: Region Uppsala is required for damages by Saco, who believes that the region violated the law when contracting with the pharmacy service.

December 16: A survey of SVT shows that the delivery problems are not over. The region of Örebro receives about 50 percent of the material ordered on time, and in Dalarna the average is 60 to 80 percent. Academic in Uppsala received only 37 percent of the orders on time in November.